Alhamdulillah syukur pada Allah for the promotion. The good news came in mid of July and was backdated to the 1st of of that month and since then I was booked up, busy attending meetings and taking over the workload from my boss.
This would be a new challenge in my life. Never have I felt appreciated as much at work and finally what I have been looking for the past few years came true. Being unwell and given a new and bigger responsibilities at work won't be easy. I have to take care of myself now and prove to those who have supported my career here that I was worth being promoted.
The past half month hasn't been easy. Of course the usual struggle being a diabetic. The difficulties of having to walk to and fro the HQ (well, my offices are located at three out of 4 blocks in this area and my office to the HQ is a good 300 meters from one another - a good end to end walk). the challenge of having to help at my dad's home - thanks to his maid who ran away and most recently (the good 1 month) of suffering from backache.
Visited the doctor and she said the backache is due to water retention in my upper abdomen and making it hard for me to sit and stand for very long. It may also be due to the acid buildup in my body affecting my spine - all because of the medicines i've been taking.
Well, I guess I have to live with it, like it or not. With the new pay, new job and new hope in life, I just hope I would have the support from my loved ones and those I care about. It was indeed a pleasure to be congratulated by papa although it was only through the phone. If it was mummy, like my last promotion in the previous company, she would have wanted to celebrate it with the rest of the family - how I miss her and her TLC.
I promise myself that I would strive my best to serve the company. Thanks Allah the Almight